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A Day in the Life of Namibia - on Africa Day.


We are looking for striking digital images taken on Africa Day, Wednesday 25thMay 2011, that depict moments in a day in the life of Namibia on Africa Day.Submissions outside of this period will not be accepted. The competition is hostedby The Namibian and Studio 77.

All photographs should accurately reflect the subject matter and the scene as it

appeared. Photos that have been digitally altered beyond standard optimization

(removal of dust, cropping, reasonable adjustments to exposure, color and contrast, etc.) will be disqualified. Images that do not meet these requirements may or may not be judged at the judging panel’s sole discretion.

Photo captions of around 75 words must accompany all submissions, and should

included the subject of the image, the location the image was taken, and the name

of the photographer(s). Please make any special comments you may wish in the

digital caption information to assist judges in determining eligibility. The images must be the individual work of the entrant, and must not have been previously published.

All photographs will be credited with the caption “© Person’s Name.” The Namibian

and Studio 77 have final approval of any language that appears on their web site or exhibition with any of the photos and will not promote or endorse third-party products or services. The aim of the competition is to create an exhiibtion that will be printed and hosted by both Studio 77 and The Namibian Newspaper and held at Studio 77 in August 2011. Opening of the exhibition will be on August 9, 2011 at 18h30. Total prize gift vouchers to the tune of over N$ 20000.00 are up for grabs.


Each photo must be submitted electronically, by one of the following two methods:

Via Manual Submission Process – You may complete our online submission form or

cut one out from The Namibian newspaper, and submit your cd/memory stick or dvd to Studio 77, Old Breweries Complex, Garten Street, Windhoek. Please ensure you sign delivery of your entry at Studio 77.

You may complete our online submission form and email your photos to

tonyfigueira@iway.na. Please ensure you have receipt of your entry and images via email confirmation of your entry.

For Manual Submissions outside of Windhoek, you may deliver your cd/dvd/memory stick to any branch office of The Namibian Newspsper. We will then courier them to Windhoek to Studio 77. Please ensure you sign delivery of your entry at the local Namibian Newspaper office as proof of delivery.


To ensure eligibility for the contest, entries should have a resolution of 6 million pixels or greater (6 megapixels). Resolution can be calculated by multiplying the pixel width of the image with the pixel height. For example, a photograph taken with a 6 megapixel camera set for the highest resolution and best quality produces images approximately 2832 pixels by 2128 pixels, which are acceptable under the rules (2832 x 2128 = 6 million). Images that do not meet this standard may or may not be judged at the judging panel’s sole discretion.

Entries may originate in any format – including, but not limited to digital files, digital prints, color transparencies, color prints, or black and white prints – so long as they are submitted electronically. This means that we allow images taken with any kind of camera, including cellphones, accepting that the quality is printable.

Images will be judged on originality, technical excellence, composition, overall

impact and artistic merit. The judges are a panel of photographers, journalists,

accountants and professionals familiar with photography and responsible for having selected images for various previous photographic competitions.

The Namibian and Studio 77 shall determine winner eligibility in its sole and

absolute discretion. All decisions made by the judges are final. Staff of the Namibian and Studio 77 will not be pernitted to take part in the competition.


Deadline for submitting entries is 15 JUNE 2011. Entrants may be asked to submit a further paragraph about the story behind the photo or photos anytime thereafter but before the exhibition at Studio 77. Finalists will be announced prior to the exhibition at Studio 77 via email or telephonically, and winners will be announced and receive their prizes on the opening night on 9 August 2011.


The judging panel will select at least 40 photos to be the contest’s Finalists and

Honorable Mentions. The jusges will select the Grand Prize Winner and their

decision is final. The Grand Prize Winner’s and winning images will be printed in The Namibian with all the appropriate acknowledgements.


Local amateur and professional photographers are invited to submit photographs

on any topic or theme (nature, portraits, architecture, etc) to portray a day in the life of Namibia. The only criteria is that the photograph must be taken on Africa Day, Wednesday 25 May 2011.

A selection of the photographs will be exhibited during the month of August 2011 at Studio 77 in Windhoek, and also published in The Namibian!

The competition is hosted by The Namibian and Studio 77. Further details can be

obtained from Tony Figueira on Tel 061-252800, or email tonyfigueira@iway.na. Visit our websites www.tonyfigueira.com or www.namibian.com.na for details.


Your photographs help The Namibian and Studio 77 promote the beauty and

diversity of our wonderful country on a day where we celebrate Africa and being

African.Thank you for helping to further our mission through your photography. We hope with time to be able to put together a book compilation of A day in the life of Namibia on Africa Day.

You will retain all rights to any photograph you submit – including ownership if

applicable. If your image is selected as a finalist for the exhibition, or winner of the

competition, you grant The Namibian and Studio 77 a nonexclusive right, in

perpetuity, to:

Publish the images in any format, including on our respective websites and main

exhibition in August which we plan to convert to a traveling exhibition to various

areas of Namibia.

Use, in connection with the Photo Contest, your name in promoting further

competitions of A Day in the Life of Namibia on Africa Day.

Keep the files provided, and to archive the images on CD or in other electronic

forms, so that your photos can be used to support our mission and be properly


As conditions of this permission, The Namibian and Studio 77 shall credit all

photographs with the caption “© Person’s Name” when the full name is available

Click here to download the entry form. Then just fill it in and mail it together with your photos to:
